931 No 931 Paredes De Coura Festival, Portugal. 31 July 2008. (3 track EP).Introduction

Recording Label: Never Mind the Bollocks.
Running Time: 15 mins 14 secs.
Year: 2008

Recording Company Code: ?
Quality: 8


adminThis is a 3 track EP which was recorded on the Combine Harvester Tour from 2008. It was recorded at the Paredes De Coura Festival, Portugal on the the 31st July 2008. There is only 3 tracks which is a shame as they are good quality. The artwork is very high quality and comes with a front and back and insert and disc artwork and was again created by Ernest.

Track Names:

1. God Save the Queen.

2. Anarchy in the UK.

3. Silver Machine.

front back disc

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