669 No 669 Sixth Pistols Brixton Photos VCD Plus Bonus Interview CD (2 CD set).Introduction

Recording Label: ?
Running Time: ?
Year: 2007

Recording Company Code: ?
Quality: 10.


admin   This is a very high quality 2 CD set. Disc 1 is a VCD  it contains a fantastic set of pictures taken by Brian Sixth Pistols at the 1st 3 Brixton gigs, this slide show has been put to music Pretty Vacant, Seventeen, No feelings and EMI. Disc 2 is a recording of the Steve Jones inerview with John Lydon on Jonesy's Jukebox. This comes with very good quality artwork. This is a bonus disc for the 7 disc set that has been created for 'Never Mind the Bollocks Here's the artwork'.

Track Names Disc 1:

SixthPistols Brixton Photo's set to Music Featuring Pretyy Vacant, Seventeen.. No mfeelings and EMI.

Track Names Disc 2:

John Lydon on Jonesy's Jukebox.

669 front 669 back 669 disc 1 669 disc 2

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